Fazioli Grand Piano Covers - Reviews

Fazioli Grand Piano Covers

average rating 80%
Piano cover for Fazioli F278 04/24/2021
The cover for our Fazioli 9'2" concert grand piano arrived in a timely fashion and appears to be well-crafted. I might mention, though, that the cover dimensions are a bit large for the piano. It's usable, but at some points is about 3" wider than the piano lid, meaning it droops down over the sides somewhat. Everyone is thrilled with the lightweight material.
average rating 100%
Fazioli cover 07/02/2018
By Alice Eelman
The piano cover was sized correctly. Material I chose is of good quality and has nice padding. I am very happy with my purchase.
Fazioli Piano Covers by Piano Showcase Fazioli Grand Piano Covers SKU: co-fazioli Price: $198.50 On Sale! $158.95